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Welcome to the Health Advancement and Resilience in Pediatrics (HARP) Lab!

Our team is dedicated to understanding prevalent pediatric chronic health problems and promoting health and wellness among youth of all ages. Research in this lab focuses on examining risk and promotive factors that influence physical and mental health outcomes among youth.

Research Focus Areas


Asthma is one of the most common pediatric chronic conditions. We examine factors related to asthma and general lung function.


Many children, adolescents, and adults do not get the recommended amount of sleep or have poor sleep quality. We examine factors that impact sleep and how sleep is associated with other health outcomes.


Chronic or recurrent pain among pediatric populations is a common occurrence. We examine how pain is associated with other health concerns and how these other health problems influence pain.

These are main area of inquiry; however, our work crosses other areas within the field of pediatric health psychology including examining how weight-related health is associated with sleep and lung function among children.

Interested in Participating

2023-2024 Research Team